Jakarta, 15 July 2022 – PT AJINOMOTO INDONESIA (Ajinomoto) is committed to improving nutritional status, as well as improving the Clean and Healthy Lifestyle (PHBS) of children and adolescents in Indonesia through the School Lunch Program which has been running since 2018. Continuing this commitment, Ajinomoto is back in collaboration with the Department of Community Nutrition, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), providing information on healthy eating patterns to more than 200 santri and female students of the Al Quran Nurhasanat Islamic Boarding School - Karawang.
Adhering to his vision of increasing the healthy life expectancy of the Indonesian people and as a form of contribution to the problem of malnutrition, Ajinomoto carries the concept of the School Lunch Program (SLP). SLP aims to improve nutritional status and foster behavioral changes in students in schools. This program combines the provision of lunch and nutrition education for 10 months continuously with the aim of improving the implementation of a healthy lifestyle, hygiene, sanitation and good nutrition as well as food safety. In this program, dietary interventions are carried out using Ajinomoto products.
Positive results in the form of improving nutritional status and decreasing the prevalence of anemia status of students in Islamic boarding schools can be achieved through this SLP program. Anemia or lack of red blood is vulnerable to be experienced by children and adolescents, including female students. Not surprisingly, because this age group is difficult to eat with balanced nutrition and prefers to eat junk food or fast food, santri and female students also do not regularly eat breakfast and do not like to eat vegetables.
“For Ajinomoto, good nutrition is a big thing that we highlight. Good nutrition is an important capital for the growth of future generations. Indonesian children need good and complete nutrition to grow. With complete nutrition, the mental and physical development of Indonesian children will improve, so that they can grow into a strong nation. In terms of nutritional adequacy and health of Islamic boarding school students, they still have not received proportional attention – unlike students who stay at home. This is very unfortunate, because good food, nutrition and health conditions will greatly impact on improving learning outcomes," said Grant Senjaya, Head of Public Relations Department PT AJINOMOTO INDONESIA.

A total of more than 200 santri and female students of the Al Quran Nurhasanat Islamic Boarding School - Karawang received an explanation on "Resilient Youth Healthy Eating Patterns" presented by Reisi Nurdiani, SP, M.Si - lecturer at the Department of Community Nutrition, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). “Through this presentation, the students were asked to pay attention to their eating menu. With balanced nutrition, the quality of their growth and development and studies will be better,” said Reisi. The event which took place in a relaxed manner was also warmly welcomed by the pesantren administrators. On the same day Ajinomoto also provided a number of cooking utensils for the Al Quran Nurhasanat Islamic Boarding School – Karawang.

"We hope that what Ajinomoto shared today can help improve the health and nutritional intake of the santri and female students at this pesantren," said Grant at the end of the conversation. For more information about this program, please contact Ajinomoto customer care at 0800-1-886688 or via email to custcare@asv.ajinomoto.com.
PT AJINOMOTO INDONESIA is committed to continuing to make a positive contribution to society, by improving the welfare and health of Indonesian families through high quality products and services that focus on delicacy and health.