Ajinomoto Health Provider is an integrated sustainability initiative from Ajinomoto Indonesia Group, covering activities that support human health and environmental sustainability
Various health and environmental issues in Indonesia are driving companies to run businesses based on sustainability. Some of the health problems faced in Indonesia are the problem of nutritional balance which is known as the triple burden malnutrition (stunting, micronutrient deficiency, and overweight/obesity), high cases of hypertension, and excessive consumption of sugar, salt and fat. Meanwhile, the environmental problems we face are increasing waste, especially plastic waste and food waste, climate change, and decreasing water quality
Graph of stunting, wasting and obesity rates among Indonesian toddlers

Source: Ministry of Health Republic Indonesia, 2023
Triple Burden Malnutrition

The triple burden malnutrition consists of underweight, wasting/micronutrient deficiencies and overweight. These three problems often coexist in the same country, even in the same family.

In a period of 5 years, the percentage of the Indonesian population aged ≥ 18 years with hypertension increased by 8.3% from 25.8% in 2013 to 34.1% in 2018.
Proportion (%) of Hypertension Case in Population Age ≥ 18 years (Riskesdas, 2018)
Consumption of Sugar, Salt and Fat

29.7% of Indonesia's population or the equivalent of 77 million people consume sugar, salt and fat (GGL) in excess of WHO recommendations. This needs to be anticipated considering the increasing trend of sufferers of non-communicable diseases, such as obesity, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and stroke.

Source: Individual Food Consumption Survey (SKMI), 2014
Plastic Waste

Plastic waste is the second largest type of waste found in Indonesia after food waste. Of the total 36,218,012.28 waste produced in 2022 nationally, 6,555,460 tonnes (18.1%) are plastic waste. Meanwhile, plastic waste takes around 10 - 20 years to decompose naturally.

Percentage of Plastic Waste from Total Waste in Indonesia (2019-2022)

Source: Ministry of Environment and Forestry Republic Indonesia, 2023
Climate Change
In a period of 5 years, the percentage of the Indonesian population aged ≥ 18 years with hypertension increased by 8.3% from 25.8% in 2013 to 34.1% in 2018.
Trends in CO2 Emission Volume from Energy Use across Indonesian Business Fields (2017-2021)

Source: Central Bureau of Statistics Indonesia (2023)
Water Pollution

The Water Quality Index (IKA) score in Indonesia is 53.88 points in 2022. This figure is the highest in the last eight years. However, this score has not met the 2022 target of 55.03 points. However, this score has not met the 2022 target of 55.03 points.

Water Quality Index in Indonesia

Source: Ministry of Environment and Forestry Republic Indonesia, 2023
Food Loss and Food Waste
The large amount of food waste in Indonesia is caused by poor consumption patterns. Therefore, every year, the amount of food waste is still very high and occupies the largest composition of the total waste produced nationally. In 2022, of the total 36,218,012.28 tonnes of waste produced, 14,780,570.8 tonnes (40.81%) are food waste.

Percentage of Food Waste from Total Waste in Indonesia
Source: Ministry of Environment and Forestry Republic Indonesia, 2023
Ajinomoto Indonesia integrates sustainability activities that focus on health and environmental sustainability into the Ajinomoto Health Provider
Health Provider for Human Being
(Human Being)

Nutritious Products and Menu

Ajinomoto Indonesia always innovates in creating products that support health and are sustainable for consumers.

Inviting the public to reduce salt consumption without compromising taste through Bijak Garam (Smart Salt).
Read more details here >

Knowledge and Literacy

Ajinomoto Indonesia collaborated with PKK (Family Welfare Development) in the GEMBIRA (Nutritious Cooking Movement with Ajinomoto Health Providers) event to educate thousands of PKK mothers about balanced nutritious food intake and the concept of Smart Salt.

Through Dapur Umami, Ajinomoto Indonesia shares various health inspirations and thousands of healthy and delicious recipes using Ajinomoto products via the website and social media.
Read more details here >

The Ajinomoto School Lunch Program aims to overcome anemia in children by introducing healthy and nutritionally balanced menus using Ajinomoto products in schools. Ajinomoto Indonesia provides guidelines for balanced nutritious lunch menus for schools and parents to continue independently.
Read more details here >

The Elderly Project aims to overcome the problem of hypertension in the elderly by providing nutritious food with low salt, sugar and fat content. By reducing sodium and replacing it with AJI-NO-MOTO® MSG, this program results in a reduction in hypertension matrix.

Health Provider for the Earth

Plastic Waste Reduction

Ajinomoto Indonesia reduces plastic waste from products by launching AJI-NO-MOTO® Paper Pack. Apart from that, plastic was also reduced from Masako® products by eliminating the header and reducing the thickness of the packaging.

Through collaboration with Rekosistem, Ajinomoto Indonesia built a waste station at Sememi Traditional Trade Market in Surabaya to reduce waste at the traditional trade, especially multi-layer plastic (MLP) waste.

Greenhouse Gas Reduction

Ajinomoto reduces carbon emissions from company activities through reducing fuel consumption, cutting electricity use, and using renewable and environmentally friendly energy such as solar panels and biomass. Ajinomoto Indonesia has a target to reduce carbon emissions by 60% by 2030.

Water Use Efficiency

Ajinomoto carries out various water management processes to reduce water use and return clean water to nature, such as through rainwater harvesting, water purification, and using environmentally friendly Amilite® amino acid-based soap. Ajinomoto Indonesia has a target to reduce water use by 50% by 2030 compared to 2005.

Circular Economy

Through the circular economy concept, Ajinomoto applies the bio cycle to return good benefits to nature by utilizing production by-products and food waste into value-added by-products, such as AJIFOL and AMINA fertilizers, as well as FML and TRITAN animal feed.