LAPORKAN! is an independent management application for reporting suspected violations, managed by Deloitte as a professional firm working for the Ajinomoto Indonesia Group.

LAPORKAN! can be used by Employees, Customers, Suppliers, Vendors, and the General Public to report suspected violations. The goal is to enhance good corporate governance by embedding company values into behavior and business ethics in accordance with Ajinomoto Group Policies (AGP).

In the LAPORKAN! application, the confidentiality of the reporter is highly protected, and reporters can choose to report anonymously or non-anonymously.

The scope of suspected violations covered by the LAPORKAN! application includes:

  • 1.   Corruption, Collusion, and Nepotism
  • 2.   Theft/Embezzlement
  • 3.   Bribery/Gratification
  • 4.   Abuse of Authority/Position
  • 5.   Leakage of Company Data and Confidential Information
  • 6.   Drug Abuse, Hazardous Additives, and Gambling
  • 7.   Sexual Harassment
  • 8.   Other Ethical Violations According to AGP or Applicable Regulations
“YOUR VOICE CHANGES THE WORKPLACE”, – don`t hesitate to report any suspected violations through LAPORKAN!


Reporters can access LAPORKAN! through the whistleblowing website by clicking the button below.


Or through:

1. SMS and WhatsApp 0811 9002 7590
2. Telephone Hotline 021 5095 5718
3. Email
4. Fax 021 5095 5719
PO Box 2717
JKP 10027