
Virtual Media Gathering PT AJINOMOTO INDONESIA Educate the Importance of Realizing a Healthy Lifestyle, in Commemorating National Health Day

Publish with Author Ajinomoto at 18 November 2021

Jakarta – As a leading seasoning producer company, PT AJINOMOTO INDONESIA very concerned with the health and nutritional intake problem of the Indonesian people to realize a healthy lifestyle, especially during the pandemic. Therefore, on National Health Day (12 November 2021), PT AJINOMOTO INDONESIA invites media partners to disseminate information and education about the importance of realizing a healthy lifestyle in the "Virtual Media Gathering" event which is packaged in virtual factory tour at Ajinomoto Visitor Center.

In this event, PT AJINOMOTO INDONESIA also presented expert speakers in the field of food & nutrition, namely Prof. Ahmad Sulaeman, Professor of Food Safety & Nutrition, Faculty of Human Ecology (FEMA) IPB. In his sharing session, Prof. Ahmad explained one strategy in realizing a healthy life, by controlling salt intake.

"To prevent degenerative diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension, in order to achieve a healthy life, it is important to heed the recommendations from the Indonesian Ministry of Health regarding limiting sugar, salt, fat (GGL) intake," said Prof. Ahmad, in the Virtual Media Gathering Ajinomoto. on November 12, 2021.

“Actually, if we want to consume food with high taste, but also want to implement low-salt diet, using umami seasoning such as MSG can be a solution. Many studies abroad, such as in Japan, show that the use of MSG can be a low-salt diet strategy. Because the sodium content in MSG is only 1/3 of the sodium content in ordinary salt," he continued.

Apart from being a low-salt diet strategy, Prof. Ahmad revealed that the use of umami seasoning such as MSG in any dish also has various other benefits such as increasing appetite while increasing daily performance, increasing the digestion of protein foods, and being able to increase the production of saliva which plays a role in helping the process digestion of complex compounds in the mouth, so that when it’s already in the stomach, it’s easily absorbed by the body.

According to Grant Senjaya as Public Relations Dept. Manager of PT AJINOMOTO INDONESIA, National Health Day is an important momentum for all to remind each other about the importance of implementing a healthy lifestyle, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Hopefully, through this sharing session, our media colleague can disseminate the importance of implementing a healthy lifestyle as well as informative and scientific facts about umami seasoning such as MSG. Then, this virtual factory tour at our Ajinomoto Visitor Center can also be a tool to educate public regarding Ajinomoto's seasoning products which are made from selected and natural ingredients," said Grant.

“Actually, we really want to invite our media colleague to visit our Ajinomoto Visitor Center which is located at the Karawang Factory. Hopefully, at the next media gathering opportunity, we can invite all of our media colleague directly,” he continued.

PT AJINOMOTO INDONESIA will not only continue to present deliciousness through its products, but also has a goal to improve the welfare of the people in Indonesia as a solution provider company for food and health problems.


PT AJINOMOTO INDONESIA merupakan produsen bumbu penyedap makanan terkemuka yang telah mewarnai kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia dengan produk-produk berkualitas tinggi dan mehadirkan kelezatan di setiap masakan konsumennya. Dengan slogan globalnya ‘Eat Well, Live Well’, di usia 52 tahun, PT AJINOMOTO INDONESIA telah mencetak pencapaian luar biasa yang menandakan kekuatan dan ketangguhan sebuah perusahaan yang dapat memberikan kontribusi besar bagi masyarakat Indonesia.

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