
GEMBIRA Ajinomoto: Balanced Nutrition Education for More Than 9600 PKK Members Since 2022

Publish with Author Ajinomoto at 07 March 2025

Mojokerto, February 25, 2025 - To continue to improve understanding of balanced nutrition, wise salt consumption, and family health, PT AJINOMOTO INDONESIA invites mothers of Family Welfare Development (PKK) in 15 major cities in Indonesia to join the GEMBIRA program (Gerakan Masak Bergizi with Ajinomoto Health Provider) from July 2024 to February 2025. This activity is part of the Ajinomoto Health Provider initiative in realizing the company's big goal: ‘Empowering the sustainable well-being of all human-beings, our society and our planet with “AminoScience”.


Ajinomoto Health Provider is an integrated sustainability initiative from Ajinomoto Indonesia Group, covering activities that focus on human health and environmental sustainability. Ajinomoto Indonesia Group hopes that all of its employees could become Health Provider Ambassadors who have knowledge related to activities in supporting the implementation of healthy lifestyle and eco-friendly lifestyle.


Samsul Bahkri, Direktur PT AJINOMOTO INDONESIA.

"Mothers play a crucial role in making healthy and nutritious food when determining the family's food menu. With healthy food and balanced nutritional intake, families can grow well. Ajinomoto realizes that good nutritional intake is a big thing that should be highlighted, and family is a very important foundation for the development of a generation. This time, to 500 PKK mothers in Jetis District, Mojokerto (in 2 sessions) Ajinomoto Health Provider team shared education on good balanced nutritional intake for families, then how to choose good food by prioritizing balanced nutritional intake through the narrative "Isi Piringku", calculating nutritional status using a nutritional disc, and the importance of the role of umami seasoning in controlling salt intake through the message 'Smart Salt'," said Samsul Bahkri, Director of PT AJINOMOTO INDONESIA.

"Smart Salt is an effort to reduce the use of salt in cooking, and add a little MSG. The Smart Salt concept can help reduce the risk of hypertension. The application is very easy, simply by reducing the use of salt from the original 2 tsp (teaspoons) to 1 tsp salt + ½ tsp MSG (example for 1 liter of water/broth in the cooking menu). Through today's session, we hope that mothers' knowledge of the importance of good food intake and containing balanced nutrition will increase. We also hope that today's information can be passed on by mothers to other family members so that it becomes a good habit in preparing nutritious food intake for the family. We have started this GEMBIRA activity since 2022, which has successfully reached PKK mothers in 33 cities with a total of more than 9,600 participants," he continued.


This activity was even more fun with a cooking demonstration hosted by Chef Devy Anastasia, an alumni of MasterChef Season 9. Chef Devy invited mothers in Jetis District, Mojokerto, to cook two delicious and practical dishes with balanced nutrition, the recipes itself can be found on the Dapur Umami® website ( The dishes prepared were 'Rawon Nguling ala Masako®' and 'Mendol Tempe ala Masako®'. In addition to the nutrition education session and cooking demonstration, the Ajinomoto Health Provider team also provided useful information about the advantages of Masako® products.


Eurli Prameswari, Head of Sauce & Seasoning Dept – PT AJINOMOTO INDONESIA.

Ajinomoto hopes that this good initiative will inspire many parties to realize a healthier Indonesia. In addition to this GEMBIRA activity, Ajinomoto has also carried out several activities that are included in the Ajinomoto Health Provider initiative in an effort to extend the healthy life expectancy of the Indonesian people, which can be seen on the Ajinomoto Corporate Website (

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