AJI-NO-MOTO® Menjadi Sahabat Setia Yuki Kato Dalam Belajar Masak

05 November 2020

Ajinomoto Indonesia officially introduce Yuki Kato as New Brand Ambassador of MSG AJI-NO-MOTO®

Isyana Sarasvati Beri Inspirasi Dengan Masako® Baru, Dorong Ibu Lebih Kreatif dengan Citarasa Baru Kaldu Spesial

27 October 2020

Ajinomoto Indonesia officially introduce Isyana Sarasvati as New Brand Ambassador of Masako

Ajinomoto Indonesia Launch “Winning Meals Kachimeshi Website"

19 August 2020

Winning Meals Kachimeshi Website official launched and can be accessed at www.kachimeshi-indonesia.com

Find Inspiration to Cook a Balanced Nutritious Menu At Home with New Masako®

14 August 2020

Ajinomoto Indonesia Launches New Masako with a more special broth, and a new menu inspiration

Ajinomoto with Baznas Provide Donation & Support to tackle the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

18 May 2020

As a food seasoning company that is widely known by the public, Ajinomoto Indonesia Group is participating to tackle Covid-19 outbreak in Indonesia. Together with the National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS), the Ajinomoto Indonesia Group made donations in the form of Ajinomoto products worth 1 billion Rupiah for medical personnel, and volunteers who served in 11 government referral hospitals in handling patients affected by Covid-19 in Jakarta and Houses Emergency Hospital Wisma Atlet Jakarta.

Delicious & Nutritious Menu from Dapur Umami To Accompany The Warmness of #DirumahAja

23 April 2020

The situation of the 2019 corona virus disease pandemic (Covid-19) felt by the Indonesian people is still very alarming. The Indonesian government has also implemented Large Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) in several regions to reduce the spread of this virus, which requires all to stay #DirumahAja.