Key technique to make smoked chicken


Smoked chicken has been a trend alternative to Smoked Beef, in Indonesia the most famous Smoked Beef is called Se'i Sapi. Some important techniques are necessary to maintain the juiciness and soft texture of Smoked Chicken. Let’s get it started…

1. Start with choosing a good quality chicken.

A good quality chicken has less fatty aroma. This can be seen from the thinness of the skin, bouncy texture on the meat, and smells fresh. For a better result, use probiotic chicken as a healthy choice.

2. Cut the chicken into Butterfly Shape.

If you want to smoke a whole chicken, cut the back of the chicken, and spread it wide. This technique allows the smoking process evenly distributed inside the meat.

3. Use the brine method before smoking the chicken. 

Brine technique is the marination process in a seasoned liquid for approximately 3-4 hours or a night. This process made the seasoning easily absorbed by the chicken and retained the juiciness of the meat. Salt in brining also can help to tenderize the meat.

4. Dry the surface of the chicken before smoking.

After brining process, dry the surface of the chicken with a kitchen towel to prevent rubbery texture and increase the crispiness of the skin.

5. Season the surface of the chicken with some spices.

Give a dash of oil and rub the surface with some spices to get an extra aroma while smoking the chicken.

6. Use mixed firewood for smoking.

Firewood can help to develop the aroma of smoked chicken. You can use woods from cherry and apple for a fruity and sweet aroma. If you want to get a distinctive aroma, use coffee wood and dried coconut skin. Dried garlic and shallot skins can be used as aroma fuel to add the flavor.

7. Important things to use thermometer

A good quality thermometer can determine a well-cooked chicken. Set the oven at 121.1°C and place the chicken inside afterwards. Keep the temperature between 121.1°C-162.7°C for approximately 2-3 hours and check the internal temperature of the chicken (71.1°C for chicken breast & 79.4°C for chicken thigh). If those temperatures are reached, remove chicken from the smoker and set aside for 5 minutes before portioning.

Hope this useful!