Beef Black Pepper Stir Fried

No. Bahan-Bahan Unit (g) Unit (%)
Low fat Slice beef 120 54,0
Garlic chop 2 0,9
Large green chillie seedles (Paysanne cut) 20 9,0
Big red chilli seedles (Paysanne cut) 20 9,0
Onion (Paysanne cut) 20 9,0
SAORI® Blackpepper (1lt/1.268kg) 29 13,05
Oil 10 4,5
NIKUPLUS 1,2 0,5

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Cooking Methode

  1. Mix NIKUPLUS with sliced beef and marinate for 30 minutes
  2. Heat the pan over high heat and add oil
  3. Saute the beef slices until they change color
  4. Add the onions. Sautee briefly
  5. Add red and green chilies. Sautee until it's fragrant
  6. Add chopped garlic. Sautee until it's fragrant
  7. Add SAORI® Black Pepper and sauté until the grammatical weight matches with the yield