Beef Blackpepper

No. Bahan-Bahan Unit (g) Unit (%)
Main Ingredients
1 Beef tenderloin 120 33
2 Nikuplus 1,8 0,5
3 Onion 15 14,1
4 Garlic 6 1,7
5 Red pepper 20 5,5
6 Yellow Pepper 15 4,1
7 Oyster mushroom 20 5,5
8 Leek 12 3,3
9 SAORI® Saus Tiram 13 3,6
10 AJI-NO-MOTO® 2 0,6
11 Sugar 2 0,6
12 Salt 0,6 0,2
13 Black Pepper 1 0,3
14 Cooking Oil 15 4,1
15 Raja Rasa Sauce 7 1,9
16 Water 100 27,6
17 Water 100 27,6
18 Tapioca Flour 2,5 0,7

Video Cara Memasak

Cara Memasak

  • slice beef with a size of 10 grams per piece.
  • add Nikuplus and rest for 30 minutes
  • Sautée onions until soft, add red pepper, green peppers and oyster mushrooms
  • Sautee garlic for a while then add slice beef dan stir fry for a while
  • Add water, Saori®  oyster sauce, raja rasa sauce, AJI-NO-MOTO®, sugar, salt and black pepper. Cook until the meat is cooked.
  • Add the spring onions and thickener. Cook until the sauce thickens and the taste is enough.